
      6月19日(周六)为华硕开放日,时间为下午3-5点,Addr: 1 Ethel Rd, 108A, Edison. 可以体验功夫中心、中文电脑教学、夏令营。欢迎参加。
      少儿功夫: 通过不断努力发展技能. 本项目为6-14岁儿童提供专门武术指导。课程富有趣味,帮助您的孩子发展成为强壮、自信以及positive个体。 课程教授最基本的传统武术,让学生在安全的环境中系统学习功夫。并重视体能锻炼,精密训练,适当的礼貌和尊重,年龄适当的自律和决策技巧。项目采用不同等级的彩色腰带系统。当他们进入青少年/成人班,他们在课程中取得的成绩将被转换成等价的阶段。课程包括:太极功夫技巧,形式,调节,翻滚,控制对练,自卫,技能开发的演练和游戏,等等
Seth Davis师傅,馆长:
从1990年开始练习武术。会空手道,太极拳,少林功夫,中国剑术,擒拿,和其他技术。从1999-2002年,他成为了日本香川严法师Keneiki弟子。Seth暑假期间前往日本继续访问和跟随Kaneiki学习。于2004年1月在新泽西州成立Ziran武术。他的目标是培养学生如何去探索功夫,太极拳,生活技能和武术,以满足他们的个人目标,并帮助他们发展。他不断地致力于提供在一个安全,愉快的环境下的最好的指导。Seth拥有罗格斯大学学士学位。新州注册教师,任教于公立学校。Seth被授予顾式太极拳大师分级教学执照,具有高级黑腰带的地位,并正式进入Kaneiki法师第一个进入Mueimon组织层中的弟子。以下是Seth Davis与他的“少儿功夫”班成员的图片
华硕学院新州的几个第一: 1.在中文学校里推广美式小班的敎学模式.
除现有项目外,新增了许多有代表性的项目,比如,小提琴; 体操健美操中心,高级钢琴,高级绘画, 声乐,烹饪班, 魔术训练班,少儿 SAT English(初、中级班),等。为庆贺学院的成立,前200名报名中文班者学费优惠至15%。
详情:www.everbrightgroup.org; http://www.everbright.org
聯係人: email Principal@everbright.org , School main line: 1888 701 9798 各分校; fax: 1888 7619318. 网上注册,方便,快捷, All Credit Card accepted.
About the Master Seth Davis Shifu 
Seth Davis has trained in martial arts since 1990.  
He has learned Karate, Taijiquan, Shaolin Gongfu, Chinese swordsmanship, qinna, and other disciplines. From 1999-2002 he became a disciple of Master Keneiki Iwao in Kagawa, Japan and learned Kuo Yu Cheung's Yang Style Taijiquan (T'ai Chi Chuan). Seth continues to visit and study with Master Kaneiki during summer trips to Japan. Seth founded Ziran Martial Arts in January, 2004 in Highland Park, New Jersey. Since then he has met and studied with many wonderful training partners, students, and teachers. It is Seth's goal to train students how to explore gongfu, taijiquan, and the martial arts as life skills in order to meet their personal goals and to aid in the growth of the art as a whole. He continuously strives to provide the best possible instruction in a safe and enjoyable environment. Seth holds a BS in Ecology and East Asian Studies from Rutgers University. He is a NJ Certified Teacher of Japanese, which he teaches full time in the public schools.
As of July 2009, Seth was granted Master Grade Teaching Licensure for Gu style Taijiquan, with advanced black sash status, and was officially entered into the lineage of Master Kaneiki Iwao as a first tier disciple in the Mueimon Organization. Below is a picture of Seth Davis with members of his "Kids Gongfu" class.
ZIRAN KUNGFU KIDS Summer Camp 2010    2010年少儿自然功夫夏令营
Tuesday and Friday from 1:30-2:30pm
Kungfu: developing skills through consistant effort. This program provides specialized martial arts instruction for children ages 6-14. Classes are Fun, methodical, and enriching to help your children develop into strong, confident, and positive individuals. Children are taught the basics of traditional martial arts and systematically learn gongfu in a safe and traditional environment. There is an emphasis on physical fitness, precision in training, proper manners and respect, age appropriate self-discipline, and decision making skills. A seperate grading (ranking) system of colored sashes is used in the kids program. When they enter the teen/ adult class, their grade is converted into the equivalent stage that they have achieved in the curriculum.