

 Recruitment Letter of Intent for Foreign Teachers

1 party B should submit the recruitment letter of intent for foreign teachers by email at least three months in advance.
2 the recruitment letter of intent includes items as followings:
1) the number of foreign teachers needed.  我校需招聘一名外籍教师。
2) the position qualifications, including age, gender, educational background, marital status, ethnicity, working experiences, major and so on. 有教师资格证,25-45岁之间,本科或以上学历,有1-2年从教经验者优先,男女不限,女性优先
3) age or grade of Chinese student attending 我校学生年龄在5-16岁之间
4)teaching courses and time for foreign teacher (for the weekend and evening classes, please mark out the time), the amount of lecture per week, and other work (like student counseling and office work and etc.)  周六日上班时间为7:10-11:30/12:40-17: 00,共八节课,平时上班时间为8:00-11:20/13:30-17:00,上班期间可能到公立学校上课。每周标准授课量为20小时。周一周二双休。暑假时间为7月1日前后-8月22日前后(3日左右误差),暑假时间开始后,周一到周六7:10-11:30、12:40-17:00,周日休息。
5)time of arrival and tenure for foreign teachers. 所有签约外教须保证一年合同期。
6)payment and welfares for foreign teachers (salary, airport ticket, housing, travel allowance, medical insurance and accident insurance and so on). 月薪6000-8000之间,提供工作地点附近的住宿,满一年合同期后工作表现良好深得家长学生喜欢者可获得2200元/年的旅游补贴;提供医疗保险和意外伤害保险。
7)about the apartment for foreign teachers (house rent, house type, distance from class location, water and electricity facilities,sanitary fittings and so on, indoor and outdoor photos can be offered at discretion) . 住宿为公寓房,步行到学校5分钟。我校负责500元以内的水电燃气费用,超出部分由外教自己承担。住宿地点包括热水器,洗衣机,空调,电视,冰箱,厨房设备等(邮件中附照片)。
8)vehicles and transportation subsidies for foreign teachers (for foreign teachers beyond walking distance, party B would provide what vehicles and how to compensate the transportation costs and commuting time). 无
9)office location and equipment condition for foreign teachers

