


                                       ---KAI  LI

Tai Chi is one of the Chinese Traditional martial arts. Long long ago, it was designed as a unique and profound self-defense technique. As an ancient Kong-Fu, Tai Chi includes quan, sword, broadsword, spear, push-hand,etcetera.

太极拳是中国传统武术之一, 是很久以前作为一种独特而高深的自卫方法诞生的。作为一种古老的功夫,太极包括拳、剑、刀、枪、推手等。


Concentrating on correct posture and breathing control, Tai Chi's movements are fluid, graceful and well balanced, promoting the complete harmony of body and mind. Tai Chi provides the mental relaxation and physical fitness so essential in our modern stress-filled lives. 



Tai Chi is an unusual form of martial arts whereby we believe in building strength - mental and physical from within, softness is stronger than hardness, moving in a curve is better than a straight line, yielding is more efficient than confronting. It is especially different from western types of sports such as rugby where the harder and quicker the better. Tai Chi is a sport that strengthens the body as well as the mind from within. 



No matter you are young or aged, male or female, no matter strong or weak, slim or plump, you all can choose Tai Chi quan as your ideal physical exercise. When practicing it quietly and slowly, you can sense the existing of air and fully enjoy the aerobic bath, meanwhile you can also feel all the movements like the rhythmically uninterrupted waves. Tai Chi --- the world of Yin and Yang, the world of the nature and relaxation, will become your a wholenew life style in the future. 

