Tradition-Yang Style Taijiquan. Introduction

  Tai Chi is a higher level of Qigong, a moving meditation technique. It may look easy, but there are many layers in it, and behind the outside simplicity you will find the infinite inner complexity. That is why this style took over the world - it offers you a lot, much more than one can possibly achieve in a lifetime.

  Tai Chi (Tai Tzi) means "the great limit". Tsuan means "fist". The fist of the great limit. The "limit" is a metaphor here, as many other things in Chinese philosophy, there is no limit, but only our quest for it.

  Here you will learn Tradition-Tai Chi technique of the style Yang, called after the master Yang Lu Chan.

  What you will get? The inner balance. It seems like a small thing, however it does change people's life to the best. First of all, Tai Chi improves people's health, both mental and physical .

  There is a saying, that the "thought is real", meaning that whatever you think can become true. This is not quite right. The thought is real, if it is the ONLY thought, if we focus on it, fully. Most people cannot do it, as there is always some "mental noise" present in their heads. Qigong and Tai Chi can help you to "empty" your head. Then you need to just tell yourself, what you need - and your body will respond.

  Tai Chi helps us to gain control over our emotions. The "normal" person, when trapped in the negative emotion - stays there. A Tai Chi (Qigong) person is always aware of his / her state, and can change it, any moment. I don't think I have to tell about the influence our negative emotions have on our health - it is well known.

  Tai Chi is not only the self-healing and meditative technique -

Tai Chi Martial Artis among the most powerfull combat techniques. However, the first step is still to learn to control the energy flow in your body, the "chi". Without "chi" it will be just the wrestling. You should not expect to learn to fight after you learn the  "8-form Yang Style Taijiquan " or "26-form Yang Style Taijiquan ", as it is not intended as a self-defense technique, however, it will help you a lot, if you continue studying the "inner" styles of kung fu.