Table Tennis Coach Jean Sze

Jean Sze, Table Tennis Coach 乒乓球教练 施逸清

Jean Sze, Everbright School East Branch principal, Table Tennis Club president and head coach.  Jean studies table tennis from world champions, world famous coaches Yuxiang Li and Ruihua Yang.  She used to play at Shanghai City Youth Team in China.  Now, Jean is a ITTF licensed coach and ITTF“Skill Award Scheme” judge;  also USATT licensed referee and umpire, has years coaching experience in US and China.  Her coach style is "Do it right at the first time"to avoid building up incorrect movement.  She teaches according to individual ability and situation.  She set up teaching goals and training plan for every students individually, increase the students playing ability step by step.  Jean also will make training games, inner class matches and tournament, in order to make the class fun and happy.  Jean is also the judge of ITTF “Skill Award Scheme”, can help young players to get ITTF skill award certificate.  If you like to learn this fun and healthy, non-age limited Olympic sport, please contact with Jean Sze: (732) 329-3245,


施逸清,华硕文化教育学院东方分校校长,乒乓球俱乐部主席和主教练。她师从世界冠军和世界级教练李羽翔,杨瑞华。她曾经是上海青年乒乓球队队员。现在,她持有国际乒联教练和“技术水平考试”评委执照,美国乒协裁判执照。施老师在美国和中国执教,有着多年的乒乓球教学经验。她的教练理念是第一次就学对,以防止错误的动作。她根据学生的能力和情况,因人施教;并为每个学生制定合适的训练计划和目标。使学生的击球能力一步步地提高。施老师还寓教于乐,教大家一些乒乓游戏。使学生在快乐中学习,学得开心,练得健康。施老师还是国际乒联“技术水平考试”评委,可以帮助学生获得国际乒联的“技术水平考试”证书。如果你想学习这项好玩又健康,没有年龄和性别限制的奥林匹克运动,请与施老师联系: (732) 329-3245,