华硕中文学校附设音乐中心设在育才分校(450 Division Street, Edison, NJ 08817)和东方分校(328 Plainfield Road, Edison08817)的校址内。音乐中心以服务社区,培养音乐人才,陶冶高尚情操,给生活以美的享受为目的,向社会推出一系列音乐课程和音乐会。我们为学生们准备了一个充分展示音乐才华的平台,为音乐爱好者们提供了一个欣赏和享受音乐的好去处。为丰富我们社区的文化生活再添一点色彩。我们也欢迎各类有经验的音乐教师参加我们中心的工作,把音乐中心办得锦上添花。
团体课;乐理(英国皇家考级)[施逸清],视唱练耳(英国皇家考级)[黄治平], 合唱[裘利惠], 音乐治疗[施逸清], 器乐团体课,重奏课(Neha Kulkani, 于荣海, 施逸清)
个别课(钢琴 [黄治平],小提琴[Neha Kulkani, Juno Suk], 大提琴[于荣海],声乐[裘利惠],古筝[施逸清],乐理(英国皇家考级)[施逸清],视唱练耳(英国皇家考级)[黄治平];作曲[施逸清]。
合唱团:4个学生开班,100分钟/课,$300/学期。器乐团体课:器乐:2个学生开班,60 分钟/课;器乐重奏:2个学生开班,60 分钟/课,$375/学期。
个别课:一对一上课。60 分钟/课,$240/四星期
或同一家庭的第二个孩子报名,可得九折优惠。但两种优惠不可同用。 如介绍一名学生注册音乐课,下学期一门课可再得5%优惠。此优惠可与上述优惠同用。
联系人:施逸清 (音乐中心主任)732-329-3245, jeansze@comcast.net
Everbright Music Center Program Outline 2011-2012
Everbright School Group Music Center starts to accept students. Everbright Music Center located at Edison Everbright School YuCai Branch (450 Division Street, Edison, NJ 08817) and East Branch (328 Plainfield Road, Edison 08817). The music center opens to the public, serves our community. We offer various music lessons and concerts to the music lover, all age. We help students to build up their music ability, lead them understand and enjoy the beauty of the music. We offer a platform to the community on which students can show their music talent, and the audience can enjoy the abundant culture and entertainment. We welcome experienced music teachers to join our team, making our music center better and better.
Music Center open time: Saturdays from 9:40am to 5:00pm.
* Individual lessons one to one lesson, 60 min/lesson, $240/4 weeks.
* Chorus: starts as 4 students,100min/class; theory and/or aural training classes, starts as 2 students, 60min/class, $300/subject/semester.
* Instrument group classes: chamber music class, instrument group class, starts with 2 students, 60 min/class, $375/semester.
When students register 2nd lesson, can have 10% off. If register 3rd lesson, can have 20% off. The second child in the same family can have 10% discount. But 2 kind discounts can not be used at the same time. If refer a student who register music class, the referrer can get additional 1 class 5% off; this discount can be used at the same time.
Contact:Jean Sze (director) 732-329-3245, jeansze@comcast.net